A Coffee Service with Flower Painting füror 8-12 Persons
Lot-No. 655
Proceeds : 800 €
Meissen, 20th cent. Colourful floral painting with gold rim. 24 parts: coffee pot, 8 cups with 12 UT, 12 plates, 2 creamers, sugar bowl. Min. dam. Crossed swords mark. -
A Coffee Service with Flower Painting füror 8-12 Persons
A Coffee Service with Flower Painting füror 8-12 Persons
Lot-No. 655
Proceeds : 800 €
Meissen, 20th cent. Colourful floral painting with gold rim. 24 parts: coffee pot, 8 cups with 12 UT, 12 plates, 2 creamers, sugar bowl. Min. dam. Crossed swords mark. -