Abbreviations in auction houses - how to keep the overview
Whether in the print or online catalogue of the Auktionshaus Stahl: for practical reasons you will come across abbreviations in the descriptions of objects, as they are common in the antiques and art trade as well as at auctions. We want both experts and laymen to be able to find their way around our range and have compiled the most common abbreviations for you here:
A | |
ad. | added/ additional |
AGS | American Gem Society Laboratories |
AIGS | Asian Institute of Gemmological Sciences |
approx. | circa |
Arab. | Arabic |
attr. | attributed |
B | |
beg. | beginning |
BBK | Berufsverband Bildender Künstler |
C | |
ct. | carat |
cat. | catalogue |
cat. rais. | catalogue raisonné |
cent. | century |
century | Confédération International de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfèvrerie |
Chin. | Chinese |
col. | collection |
comp. | compare |
D | |
D | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, very fine white+ |
d. | depth |
dam. | damaged |
dat. | dated |
DeGB | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Edelsteinbewertung Idar-Oberstein |
def. | defect |
diam. | diamond |
dm. | diameter |
DSEF | Deutsche Stiftung Edelsteinforschung |
E | |
E | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, very fine white |
exh. | exhibition |
F | |
F | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, fine white+ |
fl | flawless |
G | |
G | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, fine white |
g. | gramm |
GEDOK | Gemeinschaft deutscher und österreichischer Künstlerinnenvereine |
GIA | Gemological Institute of America Inc. |
GRS | GemResearch Swisslab |
H | |
H | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, white |
h. | hight |
HRD | AntwerpHoge Raad voor Diamant |
I | |
I | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, slightly tinted white |
im. | images |
i f | internally flawless |
i.a. | inter alia |
J | |
J | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, slightly tinted white |
Jap. | Japanese |
K | |
K | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, tinted white+ |
kt. | Karat |
L | |
L | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, tinted white |
l. | length |
lit. | literature |
lo. ri. / lo. le. | lower right/ lower left |
lo. | low |
M | |
mm | master mark |
min. | minimal |
mod. | modern |
MK&G | Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe |
N | |
Nat.-Gall. | National-Gallery |
num. | numbered |
P | |
P. | Piqué |
p. | page |
part. | partially |
plast. | plastic |
prof. | professional |
prov. | provenance |
pub. | Published |
R | |
reg. | registered |
rep. | rep. |
rel. | relined |
rest. | restored |
ret./Ret. | retouched/retouch |
S | |
si | small inclusions |
sign. | signed |
SHLM | Schleswigholsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloss Gottorf |
SSEF | Swiss Gemmological Institute |
stamp. | stamped |
stamp sign. | stampsigned |
T | |
T-Z | diamond colour scale from CIBJO, tinted |
tit. | titled |
U | |
up. ri. / up. le. | upper right/ upper left |
V | |
vol. | volume |
vs | very small inclusions |
W | |
w. | width |
vvs | very, very small inclusions |
Jewellery and Watches 23 May 2025
Art and Antiques 24 May 2025
We are already passionately preparing the next auctions - a good opportunity! We can accept consignments for the May Auction until 31rd of March. We look forward to seeing you. (contact)
Monday to Friday: 10 am - 6 pm