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Mythological Scene

Polidoro da Caravaggio, Umkreis (Caravaggio 1492 - Messina 1543), circle of

Mythological Scene

Lot-No. 471

Proceeds : 1.000 €

Bistre, partially heightened with light grey, lo. le. inscribed Polidore, framed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - Italian painter. P. began as a mason in the construction of the loggias of the Vatican, painting he learned possibly from G. da Udine. After 1527 he went first to Naples, later he settled in Messina. Mus.: Madrid (Prado), Vienna(Kunsthist. Mus.), Naples (Capodimonte) a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.


Polidoro da Caravaggio, Umkreis: Mythological Scene

Polidoro da Caravaggio, Umkreis (Caravaggio 1492 - Messina 1543), circle of

Mythological Scene

Lot-No. 471

Proceeds : 1.000 €


Bistre, partially heightened with light grey, lo. le. inscribed Polidore, framed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - Italian painter. P. began as a mason in the construction of the loggias of the Vatican, painting he learned possibly from G. da Udine. After 1527 he went first to Naples, later he settled in Messina. Mus.: Madrid (Prado), Vienna(Kunsthist. Mus.), Naples (Capodimonte) a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.

Mythological Scene
Mythological Scene