Landscape with Swallow
Albert Christoph Reck (Krappitz 1922 - Hamburg 2019)
Lot-No. 135
1985. Coloured chalk drawing. 62 x 48 cm. Lo. ri. sign. and dat. A. Chr. Reck 5/85, matted and framed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - German painter. R. was initially trained by H. Holtorf in Flensburg in 1947. Since 1948 he studied at the Hamburg Landeskunstschule under A. Mahlau. After a sojourn in England he continued his studies at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In 1953 he settled in Hamburg where he won the Lichtwark scholarship in 1956. After a journey to South Africa in 1962 he settled there until 1968. Back in Germany he studied under J. Beuys in Düsseldorf in 1970. From 1977 to 2003 he lived again in South Africa as director of a artistic weaving mill. Mus.: Hamburg (Kunsthalle), Schleswig, Kiel, Flensburg, Basel, Johannesburg a. others. Lit.: Vollmer.
Albert Christoph Reck: Landscape with Swallow
Albert Christoph Reck (Krappitz 1922 - Hamburg 2019)
Landscape with Swallow
Lot-No. 135
1985. Coloured chalk drawing. 62 x 48 cm. Lo. ri. sign. and dat. A. Chr. Reck 5/85, matted and framed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - German painter. R. was initially trained by H. Holtorf in Flensburg in 1947. Since 1948 he studied at the Hamburg Landeskunstschule under A. Mahlau. After a sojourn in England he continued his studies at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In 1953 he settled in Hamburg where he won the Lichtwark scholarship in 1956. After a journey to South Africa in 1962 he settled there until 1968. Back in Germany he studied under J. Beuys in Düsseldorf in 1970. From 1977 to 2003 he lived again in South Africa as director of a artistic weaving mill. Mus.: Hamburg (Kunsthalle), Schleswig, Kiel, Flensburg, Basel, Johannesburg a. others. Lit.: Vollmer.