Stephan Dakon (Wien 1904 - Wien 1997)
Lot-No. 585
Keramos, Wiener Kunst-Keramik und Porzellanmanufaktur. Around 1930. Stoneware, polychrome glazed. H. 27 cm. Model no. 2001, Signet of Wiener Kunstkeramik (worn), impressed 8, W 857 (black). Repaired left leg. - Austrian sculptor and ceramic artist. Education in Vienna, since 1925 work for the Goldscheider manufactory and one its most creative heads, numerous designs, especially dancing female figures.
Stephan Dakon: Dancer
Stephan Dakon (Wien 1904 - Wien 1997)
Lot-No. 585
Keramos, Wiener Kunst-Keramik und Porzellanmanufaktur. Around 1930. Stoneware, polychrome glazed. H. 27 cm. Model no. 2001, Signet of Wiener Kunstkeramik (worn), impressed 8, W 857 (black). Repaired left leg. - Austrian sculptor and ceramic artist. Education in Vienna, since 1925 work for the Goldscheider manufactory and one its most creative heads, numerous designs, especially dancing female figures.