Committee 2000
Andy Warhol (Pittsburgh 1928 - New York 1987)
Lot-No. 418
Proceeds : 9.500 €
1982. Screenprint in colours. 76 x 50,5 cm. Lo. ri. autographed Andy Warhol and num. 358/2000, lo. le. blind stamp, on the reverse copyright stamp, matted and framed under glass. - Literature: Cat. rais.: Feldman/Schellmann No. II.289 - Painter, graphic artist, filmmaker and publisher, one of the most important representatives of Pop Art. His serial works depicting consumer goods and celebrities are among the most expensive icons of contemporary art. W. began in the 50s as a commercial artist and soon belonged to their highly paid elite. He exhibited at MoMA as early as 1956, and by the mid-1960s at the latest, he was counted among the international avant-garde of the art world. W. had numerous exhibitions, including several times at Documenta. Through the serial repetition of a motif, often with intentionally imprecise color application, W. draws our attention to the manipulability of our perception through the media. Mus.: New York (MoMA, Metrop. Mus., Whitney Mus.), London (Tate Modern), Los Angeles (Mus. of Contemp. Art), Pittsburgh (Andy-Warhol-Mus.), Cologne (Mus. Ludwig) a. others. Lit.: Feldmann/Schellmann: A catalogue raisonné, 1985 a. others.
Andy Warhol: Committee 2000
Andy Warhol (Pittsburgh 1928 - New York 1987)
Committee 2000
Lot-No. 418
Proceeds : 9.500 €
1982. Screenprint in colours. 76 x 50,5 cm. Lo. ri. autographed Andy Warhol and num. 358/2000, lo. le. blind stamp, on the reverse copyright stamp, matted and framed under glass. - Literature: Cat. rais.: Feldman/Schellmann No. II.289 - Painter, graphic artist, filmmaker and publisher, one of the most important representatives of Pop Art. His serial works depicting consumer goods and celebrities are among the most expensive icons of contemporary art. W. began in the 50s as a commercial artist and soon belonged to their highly paid elite. He exhibited at MoMA as early as 1956, and by the mid-1960s at the latest, he was counted among the international avant-garde of the art world. W. had numerous exhibitions, including several times at Documenta. Through the serial repetition of a motif, often with intentionally imprecise color application, W. draws our attention to the manipulability of our perception through the media. Mus.: New York (MoMA, Metrop. Mus., Whitney Mus.), London (Tate Modern), Los Angeles (Mus. of Contemp. Art), Pittsburgh (Andy-Warhol-Mus.), Cologne (Mus. Ludwig) a. others. Lit.: Feldmann/Schellmann: A catalogue raisonné, 1985 a. others.