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Gerd Krenckel (Otterndorf 1950)


Lot-No. 428

Starting Bid: 2.500 €

1997/99. Oil/wood. 103 x 75,5 cm. Lo. ri. sign. and dat. Gerd Krenckel 1997/99. Krenckel sets several achievements of the Florentine Renaissance in scene. In the courtyard of a palazzo with still late medieval tower is marked the point of central perspective. Pilasters decorated with early Renaissance decor frame the depiction of a flora in the style of the High Renaissance and the already Mannerist Entombment of Pontormo. As a further refinement, the artist executes these motifs in anamorphic distortion. The whole composition is a bow to the achievements of this artistic period and at the same time a proof of Krenckel's high artistry. - German painter. K. studied at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences for Design from 1970, where he discovered painting for himself. Technical virtuosity and reference to art historical models distinguish K. like few contemporary artists.


Gerd Krenckel: Rinascimento

Gerd Krenckel (Otterndorf 1950)


Lot-No. 428

After sale

Starting Bid: 2.500 €

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1997/99. Oil/wood. 103 x 75,5 cm. Lo. ri. sign. and dat. Gerd Krenckel 1997/99. Krenckel sets several achievements of the Florentine Renaissance in scene. In the courtyard of a palazzo with still late medieval tower is marked the point of central perspective. Pilasters decorated with early Renaissance decor frame the depiction of a flora in the style of the High Renaissance and the already Mannerist Entombment of Pontormo. As a further refinement, the artist executes these motifs in anamorphic distortion. The whole composition is a bow to the achievements of this artistic period and at the same time a proof of Krenckel's high artistry. - German painter. K. studied at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences for Design from 1970, where he discovered painting for himself. Technical virtuosity and reference to art historical models distinguish K. like few contemporary artists.

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