Houses in Berlin
Konrad Knebel (Leipzig 1932)
Lot-No. 419
1992. Oil/canvas. 65 x 80 cm. Lo. le. sign. and dat. Knebel 92. - German painter. K. studied 1951-57 at the Weißensee Art Academy in Berlin and was already active there as a lecturer during his studies. For decades he was represented at important exhibition of the GDR. On facades and cityscapes the artist shows the conditions of human life and social sensitivities. K. is a member of the Künstlersonderbund Deutschlands. Mus.: Berlin (Nat.-Galerie, Berlinische Galerie), Dresden (Gal. Neue Meister).
Konrad Knebel: Houses in Berlin
Houses in Berlin
Lot-No. 419
1992. Oil/canvas. 65 x 80 cm. Lo. le. sign. and dat. Knebel 92. - German painter. K. studied 1951-57 at the Weißensee Art Academy in Berlin and was already active there as a lecturer during his studies. For decades he was represented at important exhibition of the GDR. On facades and cityscapes the artist shows the conditions of human life and social sensitivities. K. is a member of the Künstlersonderbund Deutschlands. Mus.: Berlin (Nat.-Galerie, Berlinische Galerie), Dresden (Gal. Neue Meister).