"A nocturnal scene with figures before an antique monument"
Flämischer Manierist, 18. Jh. , 18th cent.
Proceeds : 700 €
An allegoric capriccio of sculpturing (?). - Oil/canvas laid on panel, 17,5 x 11 cm; craquelé, min.dam. - Successor of Rubens, van Dyck a.a. - Expertise Dr. Brigitte Buberl, Dortmund.
Flämischer Manierist, 18. Jh.: "A nocturnal scene with figures before an antique monument"
Flämischer Manierist, 18. Jh. , 18th cent.
"A nocturnal scene with figures before an antique monument"
Proceeds : 700 €
An allegoric capriccio of sculpturing (?). - Oil/canvas laid on panel, 17,5 x 11 cm; craquelé, min.dam. - Successor of Rubens, van Dyck a.a. - Expertise Dr. Brigitte Buberl, Dortmund.