An expressive wooden sculpture
Otto Pankok, zugeschr. München 1893 - Wesel 1966, attr.
Proceeds : 700 €
German, early 20th cent. Wood, carved. Partial cracks. On bottom label of Galerie Arnold Dresden/ Schloss-Str. 14, bought there 1923 (inf. of owner). H. 82 cm.
Otto Pankok, zugeschr.: An expressive wooden sculpture
Otto Pankok, zugeschr. München 1893 - Wesel 1966, attr.
An expressive wooden sculpture
Proceeds : 700 €
German, early 20th cent. Wood, carved. Partial cracks. On bottom label of Galerie Arnold Dresden/ Schloss-Str. 14, bought there 1923 (inf. of owner). H. 82 cm.