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Blotting pad

A. R. Penck, eigentl. Ralf Winkler Dresden 1939, also Ralf Winkler

Blotting pad

Proceeds : 200 €

Print, 30 x 21 cm, personally sign. lo. ri. Ar. Penck, not opened. Mus.: Hamburg (Kunsthalle), Frankford/M. (Städel), New York (Musem of Modern Art) et al.


A. R. Penck, eigentl. Ralf Winkler: Blotting pad

A. R. Penck, eigentl. Ralf Winkler Dresden 1939, also Ralf Winkler

Blotting pad

Proceeds : 200 €


Print, 30 x 21 cm, personally sign. lo. ri. Ar. Penck, not opened. Mus.: Hamburg (Kunsthalle), Frankford/M. (Städel), New York (Musem of Modern Art) et al.

Blotting pad
Blotting pad