Franz Nölken (Hamburg 1884 - La Capelle 1918)
Lot-No. 184
Proceeds : 9.900 €
Oil/canvas/masonite, 60 x 39,5 cm, sign. a. dat. up. ri. Nölken 1908, min. craquelure, min. rest. - The artwork will be included in the supplement of the cat. rais. of Franz Nölken (1984) by Dr. Meyer-Tönnesmann. - One the most important artist"s of early modernism in Hamburg a. of international importance, member of the Hamburgischer Künstlerclub a. the Dresden Brücke, accompanied F. Ahlers-Hestermann to Paris, where he became pupil of Matisse in 1909, his many-sided pictorial oeuvre was rooted in naturalism a. later received influences of French neoimpressionism a. of Matisse. - Mus.: Hamburg (Kunsthalle), Berlin (Brücke Museum), Schleswig (SHLM) a. others. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Rump, Der Neue Rump, Meyer-Tönnesmann "Der Hamburgische Künstlerclub von 1897", Kat. Galerie Herold m. WVZ. d. Gemälde u. Graphik von Meyer-Tönnesmann (Hamburg 1984) a. others.
Franz Nölken: Cyclamen
Franz Nölken (Hamburg 1884 - La Capelle 1918)
Lot-No. 184
Proceeds : 9.900 €
Oil/canvas/masonite, 60 x 39,5 cm, sign. a. dat. up. ri. Nölken 1908, min. craquelure, min. rest. - The artwork will be included in the supplement of the cat. rais. of Franz Nölken (1984) by Dr. Meyer-Tönnesmann. - One the most important artist"s of early modernism in Hamburg a. of international importance, member of the Hamburgischer Künstlerclub a. the Dresden Brücke, accompanied F. Ahlers-Hestermann to Paris, where he became pupil of Matisse in 1909, his many-sided pictorial oeuvre was rooted in naturalism a. later received influences of French neoimpressionism a. of Matisse. - Mus.: Hamburg (Kunsthalle), Berlin (Brücke Museum), Schleswig (SHLM) a. others. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Rump, Der Neue Rump, Meyer-Tönnesmann "Der Hamburgische Künstlerclub von 1897", Kat. Galerie Herold m. WVZ. d. Gemälde u. Graphik von Meyer-Tönnesmann (Hamburg 1984) a. others.