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Ship in a Storm

Eugène Isabey, zugeschr. (Paris 1803 - Paris 1886), attr.

Ship in a Storm

Lot-No. 99

Proceeds : 1.900 €

Oil/canvas, 38 x 49 cm, lo. le. monogr. a. dat. ISY 1830, min. rest., relined. - Important French landscape, marine a. history painter, early success at the Paris Salon earned him the patronage of king Louis Philippe, exhibited at the Berlin academy, at the Munich Glaspalast as well as at the Vienna World"s Fair in 1873, study trips to Normandy, Brittany a. England became distinctive for his work. - Mus.: Paris (Louvre), London (among others Nat. Gallery, Wallace Coll.), Hamburg (Kunsthalle), Stettin, Hannover, Edinburgh, Chicago, New York a. others. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.


Eugène Isabey, zugeschr.: Ship in a Storm

Eugène Isabey, zugeschr. (Paris 1803 - Paris 1886), attr.

Ship in a Storm

Lot-No. 99

Proceeds : 1.900 €


Oil/canvas, 38 x 49 cm, lo. le. monogr. a. dat. ISY 1830, min. rest., relined. - Important French landscape, marine a. history painter, early success at the Paris Salon earned him the patronage of king Louis Philippe, exhibited at the Berlin academy, at the Munich Glaspalast as well as at the Vienna World"s Fair in 1873, study trips to Normandy, Brittany a. England became distinctive for his work. - Mus.: Paris (Louvre), London (among others Nat. Gallery, Wallace Coll.), Hamburg (Kunsthalle), Stettin, Hannover, Edinburgh, Chicago, New York a. others. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.

Ship in a Storm
Ship in a Storm