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A modern vase

Pavel Molnar (Vojnice/Slowakei 1940)

A modern vase

Lot-No. 371

Proceeds : 100 €

German, dated 1982. Colourless glass with turquoise and flowershaped yellow melting inside. On ground sign. and dated 'PM 82' and 'P. Molnar 1983 - Bad Oldesloe u. Herzlichen Dank' (engraved). H. 11,5 cm.


Pavel Molnar: A modern vase

Pavel Molnar (Vojnice/Slowakei 1940)

A modern vase

Lot-No. 371

Proceeds : 100 €


German, dated 1982. Colourless glass with turquoise and flowershaped yellow melting inside. On ground sign. and dated 'PM 82' and 'P. Molnar 1983 - Bad Oldesloe u. Herzlichen Dank' (engraved). H. 11,5 cm.

A modern vase
A modern vase