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Lying Nude

Vincenzo Irolli, zugeschr. Neapel 1860 - Neapel wohl 1949, attr.

Lying Nude

Lot-No. 592

Proceeds : 7.400 €

Oil/canvas, 37 x 46 cm, lo. ri. monogr. V. I., relined. - Prov.: Christie's South Kensington, 21.6.2002, lot 129 (as Irolli). - Italian figure painter, studied 1877-80 at the Naples academy, among others under G. Toma a. F. Maldarelli. His elegant a. fun-loving paintings earned him great success at the Paris salon, but as well in London, Munich a. Barcelona. - Mus.: Neapel (Capodimonte), Paris, Mailan, Turin, Palermo, Florenz, Mulhouse. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Bénézit.


Vincenzo Irolli, zugeschr.: Lying Nude

Vincenzo Irolli, zugeschr. Neapel 1860 - Neapel wohl 1949, attr.

Lying Nude

Lot-No. 592

Proceeds : 7.400 €


Oil/canvas, 37 x 46 cm, lo. ri. monogr. V. I., relined. - Prov.: Christie's South Kensington, 21.6.2002, lot 129 (as Irolli). - Italian figure painter, studied 1877-80 at the Naples academy, among others under G. Toma a. F. Maldarelli. His elegant a. fun-loving paintings earned him great success at the Paris salon, but as well in London, Munich a. Barcelona. - Mus.: Neapel (Capodimonte), Paris, Mailan, Turin, Palermo, Florenz, Mulhouse. - Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Bénézit.

Lying Nude
Lying Nude