Jetty by the Wannsee
Ulrich Knispel (Altschaumburg 1911 - Reutlingen 1978)
Lot-No. 562
Proceeds : 1.000 €
Oil/canvas/cardboard, 37 x 57 cm, lo. ri. sign. Knispel, min. dam. - German painter a. graphic artist. After studying in Königsberg a. Berlin the artist lived in Italy, Yugoslavia a. France for some years. In 1940 he became teacher at the Kunstschule Burg Giebichenstein in Halle/Saale. Oppressed by the regime he left the GDR in 1951. In 1965 he became professor at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin. Later he settled in Scheeßel near Bremen. - Lit.: Vollmer.
Ulrich Knispel: Jetty by the Wannsee
Ulrich Knispel (Altschaumburg 1911 - Reutlingen 1978)
Jetty by the Wannsee
Lot-No. 562
Proceeds : 1.000 €
Oil/canvas/cardboard, 37 x 57 cm, lo. ri. sign. Knispel, min. dam. - German painter a. graphic artist. After studying in Königsberg a. Berlin the artist lived in Italy, Yugoslavia a. France for some years. In 1940 he became teacher at the Kunstschule Burg Giebichenstein in Halle/Saale. Oppressed by the regime he left the GDR in 1951. In 1965 he became professor at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin. Later he settled in Scheeßel near Bremen. - Lit.: Vollmer.