Abwehr des Einbruchs
César Klein (Hamburg 1876 - Lübeck 1954)
Lot-No. 197
Proceeds : 900 €
Pastel, heightened with white, 32,5 x 24 cm, lo. ri. sign. César Klein, lo. le. titled, framed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - Important German painter, graphic artist a. stage designer who participated in and shaped all important movements of avantgarde of the 20th cent. K. studied at the Hamburger Kunstgewerbeschule and at the Unterrichtsanstalt des Kunstgewerbemuseums in Berlin. Later he became board member of the Deutscher Werkbund. In 1910 he was co-founder of the Neue Sezession as well as of the Novembergruppe. He lectured at the Berlin academy, in 1945 he was the first German artist to be exhibited in London. His brother is the painter Bernhard Klein. Mus.: Hamburg, Cologne, Kiel a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer, Der Neue Rump, Pfefferkorn 'C. K. - Oeuvrekatalog', Haupenthal 'C. K. - Metamorphosen' a. others.
César Klein: Abwehr des Einbruchs
César Klein (Hamburg 1876 - Lübeck 1954)
Abwehr des Einbruchs
Lot-No. 197
Proceeds : 900 €
Pastel, heightened with white, 32,5 x 24 cm, lo. ri. sign. César Klein, lo. le. titled, framed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - Important German painter, graphic artist a. stage designer who participated in and shaped all important movements of avantgarde of the 20th cent. K. studied at the Hamburger Kunstgewerbeschule and at the Unterrichtsanstalt des Kunstgewerbemuseums in Berlin. Later he became board member of the Deutscher Werkbund. In 1910 he was co-founder of the Neue Sezession as well as of the Novembergruppe. He lectured at the Berlin academy, in 1945 he was the first German artist to be exhibited in London. His brother is the painter Bernhard Klein. Mus.: Hamburg, Cologne, Kiel a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit, Vollmer, Der Neue Rump, Pfefferkorn 'C. K. - Oeuvrekatalog', Haupenthal 'C. K. - Metamorphosen' a. others.