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The Hunting Picnic

Carle van Loo, nach (Nizza 1705 - Paris 1765), after

The Hunting Picnic

Lot-No. 19

Proceeds : 2.500 €

19th cent., oil/canvas, 89 x 106 cm, min. rest. - French painter. L. was one of the most successful artists of his time, head of the Paris academy, painter to the court and gentled. Mus.: Paris (Louvre), St. Petersburg (Hermitage), New York (Metrop. Mus.), Los Angeles (Getty Museum), London (Wallace Coll.) a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit.


Carle van Loo, nach: The Hunting Picnic

Carle van Loo, nach (Nizza 1705 - Paris 1765), after

The Hunting Picnic

Lot-No. 19

Proceeds : 2.500 €


19th cent., oil/canvas, 89 x 106 cm, min. rest. - French painter. L. was one of the most successful artists of his time, head of the Paris academy, painter to the court and gentled. Mus.: Paris (Louvre), St. Petersburg (Hermitage), New York (Metrop. Mus.), Los Angeles (Getty Museum), London (Wallace Coll.) a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit.

The Hunting Picnic
The Hunting Picnic