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Mother and Child

Friedrich von Amerling, zugeschr. (Wien 1803 - Wien 1887), attr.

Mother and Child

Lot-No. 22

Proceeds : 5.000 €

Oil/canvas/wood, 74,5 x 62,5 cm, some rest. - The most important Austrian portrait painter besides F. G. Waldmüller. As early as 1815 A. studied at the Vienna academy, since 1824 in Prague. 1827/28 he worked in the studio of T. Lawrence in London. In 1832 he settled in Vienna and received the honourable commission to paint the emporerer. Soon A. became one of the most sought-after portrait painters of nobility and the bourgeois upper class. Mus.: Vienna (Belvedere), Berlin (Nat.-Gal.), Munich (Neue Pinakothek), Nuremberg (Germ. Nat.-Mus.), Copenhagen (Thorvaldsen-Mus.) a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.


Friedrich von Amerling, zugeschr.: Mother and Child

Friedrich von Amerling, zugeschr. (Wien 1803 - Wien 1887), attr.

Mother and Child

Lot-No. 22

Proceeds : 5.000 €


Oil/canvas/wood, 74,5 x 62,5 cm, some rest. - The most important Austrian portrait painter besides F. G. Waldmüller. As early as 1815 A. studied at the Vienna academy, since 1824 in Prague. 1827/28 he worked in the studio of T. Lawrence in London. In 1832 he settled in Vienna and received the honourable commission to paint the emporerer. Soon A. became one of the most sought-after portrait painters of nobility and the bourgeois upper class. Mus.: Vienna (Belvedere), Berlin (Nat.-Gal.), Munich (Neue Pinakothek), Nuremberg (Germ. Nat.-Mus.), Copenhagen (Thorvaldsen-Mus.) a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.

Mother and Child
Mother and Child