Mel Ramos (Sacramento/Kalifornien 1932 - Oakland 2018)
Lot-No. 228
Proceeds : 300 €
Offset in colours, 15 x 10,5 cm, - American pop art artist, starting from comic figures he turned to paint pin-up girls combining them with consumer products, since the 1970s he created the so called 'unfinished paintings' where he replaced the female figures in old master paintings by pin-up girls. Mus.: New York (Guggenheim), Toronto, Darmstadt, Aachen a. others. Lit.: Rosenblum: M.R., - Pop Art Images, 1995 a. others.
Mel Ramos: Camilla
Mel Ramos (Sacramento/Kalifornien 1932 - Oakland 2018)
Lot-No. 228
Proceeds : 300 €
Offset in colours, 15 x 10,5 cm, - American pop art artist, starting from comic figures he turned to paint pin-up girls combining them with consumer products, since the 1970s he created the so called 'unfinished paintings' where he replaced the female figures in old master paintings by pin-up girls. Mus.: New York (Guggenheim), Toronto, Darmstadt, Aachen a. others. Lit.: Rosenblum: M.R., - Pop Art Images, 1995 a. others.