Arbeiterpaar - Workers
Conrad Felixmüller (Dresden 1897 - Berlin 1977)
Lot-No. 191
Proceeds : 1.800 €
Etching, 28,5 x 26,5 cm, lo. ri. autographed Felixmüller, lo. le. num. 14/30 as well as inscribed 'Radierung', at the lower margin titled and dat. 1920, frmaed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - Literature: Cat. rais.: Söhn 220. - German expressionist painter. F. studied at the Dresden academy under C. Bantzer. He was author of the journal 'Der Sturm', co-founder and chairman of the Dresden secession as well as member of the Novembergruppe. After the war he became professor at the university Halle. After painting sociocritical paintings in his early career he began to develop a more settled style since 1930. Mus.: Berlin (Neue Nat.-Gal.), Dresden (Gem.-Gal. Neue Meister), Stuttgart (Staatsgal.), Wuppertal (Von-der-Heydt-Mus.), Hannover (Sprengel-Mus.) , Darmstadt, Bielefeld, Altenburg, Cottbus a. others. Lit.: AKL, Vollmer.
Conrad Felixmüller: Arbeiterpaar - Workers
Conrad Felixmüller (Dresden 1897 - Berlin 1977)
Arbeiterpaar - Workers
Lot-No. 191
Proceeds : 1.800 €
Etching, 28,5 x 26,5 cm, lo. ri. autographed Felixmüller, lo. le. num. 14/30 as well as inscribed 'Radierung', at the lower margin titled and dat. 1920, frmaed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - Literature: Cat. rais.: Söhn 220. - German expressionist painter. F. studied at the Dresden academy under C. Bantzer. He was author of the journal 'Der Sturm', co-founder and chairman of the Dresden secession as well as member of the Novembergruppe. After the war he became professor at the university Halle. After painting sociocritical paintings in his early career he began to develop a more settled style since 1930. Mus.: Berlin (Neue Nat.-Gal.), Dresden (Gem.-Gal. Neue Meister), Stuttgart (Staatsgal.), Wuppertal (Von-der-Heydt-Mus.), Hannover (Sprengel-Mus.) , Darmstadt, Bielefeld, Altenburg, Cottbus a. others. Lit.: AKL, Vollmer.