Extensive Landscape
Adriaen Frans Boudewijns, & Peeter Bout (1658-1719) (Brüssel 1644 - Brüssel 1711), & Peeter Bout (1658-1719)
Lot-No. 429
Proceeds : 1.500 €
Oil/wood, 31,5 x 40,5 cm, on the reverse old inscription 'Baut & Boudewyns', fragment of a seal as well as punch mark of the Antwerp panel maker Guilliam Gabron (1586-1674). - We are grateful to Justin Davies for identifying the panel maker's mark. - Boudewijns was a flemish landscape painter. He was taught painting since 1666 in the studio of A. F. van der Meulen, whose daughter he married in 1670. The figures in his paintings are often by P. Bout. Mus.: Amsterdam (Rijksmus.), Florence (Uffizien, Palazzo Pitti), Dresden (Gem.-Gal. Alte Meister), Vienna (Albertina, Kunsthist. Mus.), Brunswick a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bernt.
Adriaen Frans Boudewijns, & Peeter Bout (1658-1719): Extensive Landscape
Extensive Landscape
Lot-No. 429
Proceeds : 1.500 €
Oil/wood, 31,5 x 40,5 cm, on the reverse old inscription 'Baut & Boudewyns', fragment of a seal as well as punch mark of the Antwerp panel maker Guilliam Gabron (1586-1674). - We are grateful to Justin Davies for identifying the panel maker's mark. - Boudewijns was a flemish landscape painter. He was taught painting since 1666 in the studio of A. F. van der Meulen, whose daughter he married in 1670. The figures in his paintings are often by P. Bout. Mus.: Amsterdam (Rijksmus.), Florence (Uffizien, Palazzo Pitti), Dresden (Gem.-Gal. Alte Meister), Vienna (Albertina, Kunsthist. Mus.), Brunswick a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bernt.