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List of Artists Pierre-Philippe Thomire, zugeschr.

Pierre-Philippe Thomire, zugeschr. (Paris 1751 - Paris 1843, attr.) - Sell & Buy

French sculptor and designer. Th. studied at the Académie de St. Luc in Paris and specialized in gilded bronze fittings for ceremonial furniture. He received several important commissions from Napoleon. Mus.: Paris (Louvre), New York (Metrop. Mus.), London (Wallace Coll.), Vienna (Schatzkammer) a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit.

From past auctions

Pierre-Philippe Thomire, zugeschr. (Paris 1751 - Paris 1843), attr.

Design of an andiron for the princess Lamballe

Proceeds : 16.400 €

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Catalog: 17 September 2022: Art and Antiques (09/2022)

Pierre-Philippe Thomire, zugeschr. (Paris 1751 - Paris 1843), attr.

A rare Opalin Bronze Set with Pendulum and Pair of Vases

Proceeds : 6.900 €

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Catalog: 28 November 2020: Art and Antiques (11/2020)

Pierre-Philippe Thomire, zugeschr. (Paris 1751 - Paris 1843), attr.

A pair of richly decorated Empire vases with marble plinth

Proceeds : 3.000 €

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Catalog: September 2010 (09/2010)

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