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List of Artists Georg Mendelssohn

Georg Mendelssohn (Dorpat 1866 - Baden-Baden 1955) - Sell & Buy

German craftsman and important representative of the 'Hellerau'-workshop. After his degree in history M. studied at the 'Debschitz'-school in Munich, became member of the 'German Werkbund' and created his first brass works under the influence of Richard Riemerschmid. 1910 Grand Prix at the World Exhibition in Brussels, then move to Hellerau near Dresden, 1933 emigration to France. - Most of his work has been destroyed or were lost, some parts are privately owned or located in the collection of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Pillnitz Castle near Dresden. Mus.: Museum for Decorative Arts in Pillnitz Castle near Dresden

From past auctions

Georg Mendelssohn (Dorpat 1866 - Baden-Baden 1955)

A set of brass works from the Hellerau workshop

Proceeds : 300 €

More information

Catalog: Kunst und Antiquitäten (12/2018)

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