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List of Artists Paul Bril, Nachfolger

Paul Bril, Nachfolger (Breda 1553 - Rom 1626, follower) - Sell & Buy

The most influential Flemish landscape painter of the early 17th cent. B. was pupil of D. Wortelmans in Antwwerpen before following his brother Mathijs to Rome around 1576. He soon succeeded as fresco painter and received commissions from three popes and numerous cardinals. His paintings were also exported to Northern Europe where they also sold very well and inspired many followers. Mus.: St. Petersburg (Hermitage), Paris (Louvre), Madrid (Prado), Berlin (Gem.-Gal.), Dresden (Gem.-Gal.) a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.

From past auctions

Paul Bril, Nachfolger (Breda 1553 - Rom 1626), follower

Rest at Harvest

Proceeds : 3.800 €

More information

Catalog: 25 September 2021: Art and Antiques (09/2021)

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