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List of Artists Guido Reni, Werkstatt oder nächster Umkreis

Guido Reni, Werkstatt oder nächster Umkreis (Bologna 1575 - Bologna 1642, studio or close circle) - Sell & Buy

One of the most important painters of Italian Baroque. Together with F. Albani and Domenichino he was taught in the studio of D. Calvaert, around 1595 the three of them changed to L. Carraccis 'Accademia degli Incamminati'. In 1601 R. went to Rome with A. Caracci where he, patronized by the Borghese family, rose to a leading position. After a short sojourn in Naples he returned to Bologna and was able to win over the most influental patrons. His style, influenced by the Carracci but also by Raphael and Caravaggio, was most suitable to serve different commissions. Mus.: Paris (Louvre), London (Nat. Gall.), Rome (Vatican), Madrid (Prado), Milan (Brera), Vienna (Kunsthistorisches Museum) a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.

From past auctions

Guido Reni, Werkstatt oder nächster Umkreis (Bologna 1575 - Bologna 1642), studio or close circle

Madonna in Prayer

Proceeds : 5.600 €

More information

Catalog: 17 September 2022: Art and Antiques (09/2022)

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