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List of Artists Pompeo Batoni, Umkreis

Pompeo Batoni, Umkreis (Lucca 1708 - Rom 1787, circle of) - Sell & Buy

Italian history and portrait painter. B. became goldsmith in his father's workshop and attended the local drawing academy before learning painting in Rome under S. Conca and A. Masucci. In 1741 he became member of the Accademia di San Luca. Since the late 1750s he painted more and more portraits, mostly for North European Tourists on their Grand Tour. Mus.: St. Petersburg (Eremitage), London (Nat. Gall.), Vienna (Kunsthist. Mus.), Berlin (Gem.-Gal.), Dresden (Alte Meister), New York (Metrop. Mus.) a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.

From past auctions

Pompeo Batoni, Umkreis (Lucca 1708 - Rom 1787), circle of

Pope Pio VI

Proceeds : 8.200 €

More information

Catalog: 28 November 2020: Art and Antiques (11/2020)

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