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List of Artists Francesco Fracanzano

Francesco Fracanzano (Monopoli 1612 - Neapel 1656) - Sell & Buy

Italian history and figure painter. Together with his brother F. was taught painting in the studio of J. Ribera, whose style he initially adopted. Although working in Naples F. took up influences of contemporary Roman and Venetian art. Mus.: Madrid (Prado), Vienna (Kunsthist. Mus.), Neapel (Capodimonte) a. others. Lit.: AKL, Thieme-Becker, Bénézit.

From past auctions

Francesco Fracanzano (Monopoli 1612 - Neapel 1656)

Paul the Hermit

Proceeds : 22.700 €

More information

Catalog: 28 November 2020: Art and Antiques (11/2020)

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