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List of Artists Kun Yin

Kun Yin (Deyang 1969) - Sell & Buy

Chinese artist. Y. studied at the Apa Art School in Sichuan until 1992 and has been working as a freelance artist in Beijing since 1993. With the figures of at first seemingly harmless rosy babies, Y. also takes a critical stance on Chinese history and the present.

From past auctions

Kun Yin (Deyang 1969)

Crying 1

Proceeds : 900 €

More information

Catalog: 17 September 2022: Art and Antiques (09/2022)

Kun Yin (Deyang 1969)

Crying 2

Proceeds : 600 €

More information

Catalog: 17 September 2022: Art and Antiques (09/2022)

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