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List of Artists Gottfried Schalcken, Nachfolger des 18. Jhs.

Gottfried Schalcken, Nachfolger des 18. Jhs. (Made 1643 - Den Haag 1706, follower of the 18th cent.) - Sell & Buy

Dutch history, portrait and still life painter. S. was trained by S. Hoogstraten and G. Dou. He established himself as a leading portrait painter and supplied princely courts with history paintings. One of his specialities was candlelight scenes. Highly popular until the 19th century, S. had numerous successors and imitators. Mus.: Dresden (Gem.-Gal. Alte Meister), Köln (Wallraf-Richartz-Mus.) Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit.

From past auctions

Gottfried Schalcken, Nachfolger des 18. Jhs. (Made 1643 - Den Haag 1706), follower of the 18th cent.

Penitent St. Peter

Proceeds : 1.500 €

More information

Catalog: Art and Antiques (11/2022)

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